Ignác Šustala begins the production of carriages and coaches with two journeymen in Kopřivnice (Nesselsdorf).
Schustala and Comp. was established when Adolf Raška and Karel Mosler joined.
Commencement of railroad truck production.
Start of passenger railroad carriage production.
Foundation of Nesselsdorfer–Wagenbau–Fabriks Gesellschaft.
The first passenger car, the Präsident, was built.
The first truck was built.
The first small locomotive for field railways
A spark-ignition engine of the company’s own design with an OHC valve mechanism and a hemispherical combustion chamber.
The first omnibus – the L type.
The first full-drive towing vehicle – R type (Jaguar).
The first mass-produced trucks, the NW-TL2 and NW-TL4.
The first passenger car with brakes on all four wheels – the U type.
Name changed to Kopřivnická vozovka (Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau).
The “TATRA” brand used for NW-TL4 trucks for the first time.
The NW corporate brand changed to TATRA.
The TATRA vehicle concept – Hans Ledwinka and the T 11.
The TATRA vehicle concept applied to a heavy T 24 truck for the first time.
Air-suspension for rear axles used for the first time – the T 24.
Production of the most successful medium heavy truck, the TATRA 27, commenced.
The premiere of the T 77 passenger car, the first mass-produced passenger car with an aerodynamic pontoon-type body.
The aircraft department established in Vagónka TATRA Studénka.
The first T 86 trolleybus.
A special express railroad wagon called the “Slovenská strela” (Slovak Arrow).
The foundation of Ringhoffer TATRA, a.s.
The production of a three-axle heavy truck with a directly air-cooled twelve-cylinder diesel engine of the company’s own design commenced – the T 111.
TATRA became a state-owned company.
The recommencement of the production of the T 57 passenger cars and the T 111 trucks.
A prototype of a T 600 TATRAplan passenger car.
The production of railroad vehicles cancelled – the company now specializes only in road vehicle production.
Torsion rods used for the first time for the spring action of the front axle.
Mass production of the T 603 passenger car commenced.
Mass production of the T 138.
Mass production of the T 813.
The construction of the new Polygon test track commenced.
Mass production of the T 148.
The decision of COMECON that TATRA will specialize in the production of heavy trucks.
The production of the T 603 passenger cars terminated.
The hundred-thousandth T 148 truck produced.
Mass production of the T 815 commenced.
TATRA, a.s. established.
T 815-2 given the name of TERRN0 1.
Sériová výroba kombinovaného systému odpružení kol zadních náprav – KING FRAME.
The production of the T 163 (JAMAL) bonneted heavy trucks commenced.
The termination of passenger car production, the last model is the T 700.
A model range of special ARMAX vehicles.
A model range of special FORCE vehicles.
Air-cooled engine of the company’s own design to the Euro 3 emissions specification.
The purchase of the ROSS R 210 intellectual property and production documentation.
TATRA’s own engine with the Euro 4 SCR emissions specification.
T 810 for the Army of the Czech Republic.
T 815-7 in the standard range of TATRA, a.s.
TATRA’s own engine with the Euro 5 SCR emissions specification.
Semi-automatic TATRA-Norgren transmission.
Civilian application of the T 810 and T 815-7.
Facelift for the TERRN0 1 model range.